Excitement is building as plans for ACO’s summer 2024 tour to the UK rapidly come together. The Chorale will leave Ottawa on August 4 and return on August 19, 2024. As the grand centrepiece of our trip, we have secured a place at York Minster Cathedral, “a masterpiece in stained glass and stone,” to take on its sung musical ministry for a week.  We join a remarkable centuries-old tradition in performing repertoire both ancient and modern.  What an uplifting prospect for ACO’s return to active touring after years of Covid-19!

ACO needs good voices, and we welcome singers of all/any faiths and all vocal registers, with a current emphasis on soprano, tenor and bass.  We encourage young singers (18+) to try out for this exciting opportunity.  These trips are special experiences for all of us, and we offer young singers the opportunity to perform with an experienced, mature choir in sought-after spaces, with challenging repertoire and under brilliant leadership.  Preparation is all-important, and membership entails commitment to a series of rehearsals in Ottawa during the winter and spring.

Space permitting, we also welcome family and friends of singers to share the enjoyment of the trip and the music. Our explorations of the principal site and city, as well as our prowls around the countryside, provide an experience second to none for all ages.

With two days travel time to and from the UK, our tour will be broken into three parts over two weeks:

  1. Five days in location yet to be decided – daily rehearsal, touring, group activities
  2. Two days at an intermediate stop – further touring, polishing repertoire
  3. Seven days in York as the Cathedral’s Visiting Choir in Residence (daily Evensong, plus Sunday Eucharists)

The full package includes transportation (air and land), accommodation, and many meals, as well as the experience of rehearsing and singing in various environments. Naturally, an undertaking of this magnitude requires financial as well as vocal commitment on the part of all Chorale members. The cost for the full package is approximately $5,400, with reduced rates for those who wish to make their own arrangements for travel to and from the UK, and for non-singers. (For comparison, consider a typical $7,000 – $9,000 rate for a 15-day European river cruise – without the singing experience!)

If you are intrigued by this opportunity and wish further information, please get in touch as soon as possible using the contact form on this website.  Our first rehearsal of 2024 is on January 20!  We will be happy to answer any questions you have, and look forward to welcoming you as a potential chorister.

Keep an eye on this space as we firm up our first two locations and additional details emerge.

Some websites you may wish to explore:

The city of York, with its almost 2-millennium history (founded 71 AD), has had a great deal written about it and its astonishing cathedral.  Some of the many sources of general information are: