2008 Itinerary

Itinerary & Information Packages    - print friendly attachments are at bottom of this page

Billed as a calmer, less hectic Tour, that is not to say that 2006 was too hectic, it was fabulous ! However the 2006 itinerary was more demanding than our usual pattern. Members who have been with the Chorale on trips previous to 2006 will recognise that our usual Tour layout is again planned for 2008:

You Can Help

You Can Help

The Anglican Chorale of Ottawa (ACO) is a registered charity. Donors will receive an official tax receipt, together with our heartfelt thanks.

Why do we need help? We want to make it possible for young singers to have the experience of singing in the UK Cathedrals, and be part of the traditions that have continued for hundreds of years. Also, the choir provides a musical environment that provides opportunities for these singers to improve as all-round musicians, and to take these skills and experiences back to their own choirs.

About Us - The ACO

Scotland St MarysThe Anglican Chorale of Ottawa (ACO) is an unusual Canadian Church choir in that we have no church building to call our own, and we have actually sung more services in the UK than in Canada. There are about 30 members of the choir, ranging in age from 18 to 80.

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